Nick Cowan on Alan Titchmarsh!
Nick Cowan was recently approached for the Alan Titchmarsh Show for a feature on back pain, and appeared on the program in March.
“Dealing with back pain is something many of us will have to face. Recent NICE guidelines (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) indicate 4 out of 5 will have back pain at some point in their lives.
Thankfully, there are many positive ways of overcoming the pain and discomfort you might feel, especially if you take up a more active lifestyle.
“I was pleased to be asked to share my experiences of helping patients in London deal with back pain through the use of osteopathy and exercise.”
So many of us are at the mercy of our sedentary routine because of our work. It is vital that we break this routine! Some simple advice is GET MOVING. Walking is one of the fundamental movement patterns for which our bodies are designed for and undertaking more of this has been shown to reduce the risk of severe back pain later in life.”
The health segment on the show, which is about the trials of dealing with back pain, was filmed recently in London and is to be broadcast on the 19th March at 3pm on ITV1.
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